
今天,在北京中关村英特尔处理器市场,英特尔处理器的价格波动。1156代处理器的最后一代价格急剧下降,英特尔处理器的价格降到了清仓的阶段。The i7 870 four core plunged 235 yuan and the quoted price was 1780 yuan.Today, Beijing Zhongguancun AMD processor spot market, AMD's main model processor prices plummeted all over the line.Since the competitors have listed new products in succession this month, there is great pressure on AMD.At the same time, AMD is the upcoming new ldquo; the bulldozer ; the processor gives way, the AMD is cut down, to improve the price of the product.
如今,北京中关村台式机内存现货市场,内存价格并未发生变化,上游内存颗粒价格略有上涨,但市场需求继续疲软,交易量低迷,内存价格上涨乏力,如今,中关村北京的笔记本内存和现货市场稳定。2GB DDR3-1333笔记本的价格是145元。4GB DDR3-1333笔记本的平均价格是265元,笔记本内存价格波动将在不久的将来更稳定。
今天北京中关村台式机硬盘现货市场,日立2TB硬盘的消费市场,日立硬盘短缺现象有所缓解,2tb盘价格下跌,日立2tb酷冰硬盘价格仅为550元,下跌20元,但仍无法缓解500GB和1TB硬盘库存紧张。目前市场320gb / 250GB硬盘分销库存缓解紧张。今天北京中关村笔记本硬盘现货市场价格整体走势疲软,日立5400 500GB的价格下调5元,价格是345元,希捷没有提供价格变化。

