




            //opt1 小数     opt2   负数
function chknbr(num,opt1,opt2)
    var i=num.length;
    var staus;
    if ((opt2!=1) && (num.charAt(0)=='-'))
        //alert("You have enter a invalid number.");
        return 0;
    if (num.charAt(i-1)=='.')
        //alert("You have enter a invalid number.");
        return 0;

    for (j=0;j    {
        if (num.charAt(j)=='.')
        if (status>1)
        //alert("You have enter a invalid number.");
        return 0;        
        if (num.charAt(j)<'0' || num.charAt(j)>'9' )
            if (((opt1==0) || (num.charAt(j)!='.')) && (j!=0))
                //alert("You have enter a invalid number.");
                return 0;
    return 1;

//返回值:0:不是日期  1:是日期
function chkdate(datestr)
    var lthdatestr
    if (datestr != "")
        lthdatestr= datestr.length ;
    var tmpy="";
    var tmpm="";
    var tmpd="";
    //var datestr;
    var status;
    if ( lthdatestr== 0)
        return 0

    for (i=0;i    {    if (datestr.charAt(i)== '-')
        if (status>2)
            //alert("Invalid format of date!");
            return 0;
        if ((status==0) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-'))
        if ((status==1) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-'))
        if ((status==2) && (datestr.charAt(i)!='-'))

    year=new String (tmpy);
    month=new String (tmpm);
    day=new String (tmpd)
    //tempdate= new String (year+month+day);
    if ((tmpy.length!=4) || (tmpm.length>2) || (tmpd.length>2))
        //alert("Invalid format of date!");
        return 0;
    if (!((1<=month) && (12>=month) && (31>=day) && (1<=day)) )
        //alert ("Invalid month or day!");
        return 0;
    if (!((year % 4)==0) && (month==2) && (day==29))
        //alert ("This is not a leap year!");
        return 0;
    if ((month<=7) && ((month % 2)==0) && (day>=31))
        //alert ("This month is a small month!");
        return 0;
    if ((month>=8) && ((month % 2)==1) && (day>=31))
        //alert ("This month is a small month!");
        return 0;
    if ((month==2) && (day==30))
        //alert("The Febryary never has this day!");
        return 0;
    return 1;
//返回值:0:是  1:不是
function chksafe(a)
    return 1;
/*    fibdn = new Array ("'" ,"\\", "、", ",", ";", "/");
    for (ii=0;ii    {    for (jj=0;jj        {    temp1=a.charAt(jj);
            if (tem';p1==temp2)
            {    return 0; }
    return 1;

//返回值:0:是  1:不是
function chkspc(a)
    var i=a.length;
    var j = 0;
    var k = 0;
    while (k    {
        if (a.charAt(k) != " ")
            j = j+1;
        k = k+1;
    if (j==0)
        return 0;
    if (i!=j)
    { return 2; }
        return 1;

