买电脑的对话 | 买电脑和买家的英语对话

买电脑的对话 | 买电脑和买家的英语对话


What can I help you?

yes I want to know about the fersh

oh my goodness you are interested



网络游戏,英文名称为Online Game,又称 “在线游戏”,简称“网游”。指以互联网为传输媒介,以游戏运营商服务器和用户计算机为处理终端,以游戏客户端软件为信息交互窗口的旨在实现娱乐、休闲、交流和取得虚拟成就的具有可持续性的个体性多人在线游戏。


  JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts?

  LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours.

  JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts.

  LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.

  JOY: Why? They have everything here.

  LOUIS: I don't like shopping in malls.

  I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.

  JOY: Let's just look and see what they have.

  LOUIS: Alright.

  JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?

  LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.

  JOY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.

  I know if we don't buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself.

  LOUIS: Sure I would.

  JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.

  LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.

  JOY: I don't know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.


I bought a computer in order to make it easy for me to study.


A:I'm looking for some blush. Do you still have some in peach rose?

B:Oh, yes, that is a beautiful color. It has been very popular blush this season. I have two left.

A:Great, I'll take one.

B:Have you heard about our special promotion this month? If you purchase at least 18 dollar 50 cents in any Elizabeth Arden products, you will receive this black poke with a sample of lipstick, mascara and two shades of white shadow.

A:Wow, that sounds like a bargain. I'm running low on facial moisturizer and toner. Could you ring those up for me too along with the blush?

B:I'd be glad to. Do you need anything else?

A:Oh, I almost forgot. It's my mum's birthday Saturday. I need to get her some more Chanel. Could you get me the 1.7 ounce bottle of Chanel cologne?

B:That would be my pleasure. I'll wrap the perfume up in the gift box for you too.



The most important thing to buy a notebook is cost-effective, with the least price to buy the best performance configuration, but those big old brands in order to earn the money of ordinary people is too expensive, cost-effective is very low


Dear buyer, 亲爱的买家 Thank you for buying two commodities from me. 谢谢你购买我的两件物品。 One of them has not the color you asked for, but we have black one. 另外1件没有你要的颜色,但有黑色的。 I try to contact you but get no responses. 我尝试联系你但是没有任何回应。 I will send you the two commodities all with black color. 我会发给你这两个物品,都是黑色的。 Thanks again for your understanding! 再次感谢你的谅解!

